Welcome to The Movie Tree

Hello and welcome to The Movie Tree. Like most people, I am a big fan of movies. I, however, take movie watching to the extreme. In 2012 I watched 242 'new' movies (Yes, I track how many I watch). When I say new movies, I mean new to me. This number does not include the movies I watched for a second, or however many, time. You might be wondering how I was able to watch 242 'new' movies in 365 days. Well, I tend to watch movies in segments. I'll watch a little during lunch, a little more while working out, then finish it up during my early morning shift of feeding our baby boy. It's probably not the way the director intended me to watch it, but it allows me to watch more movies! I also have a wife that enjoys watching movies as well.

I am also big on rating movies. Usually I rate movies on sites such as IMBD and Film Affinity, but I will share those here as well. I rate movies based on a 1-10 scale ( you can see my translation of the scale on the Rating Tree). I'm not big on writing lengthy reviews, but I will from time to time. You will also see Top 10 lists, weekly recaps of the movies I watched, and my reactions to upcoming films and movie news. Feel free to agree or disagree with any post- I welcome the discussion. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Branch Out: Ghosts of the Abyss (2003)

In this documentary, James Cameron and Bill Paxton travel under water to explore the final resting place of the Titanic.

Source: IMDB

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Weekly Recap: May 19- May 25, 2013

A recap of the movies I watched for the first time this past week.


The Guilt Trip (2012)- 5/10

Out to promote a cleaning product he created, Andy (Seth Rogen) reluctantly invites his mother along for the ride. The real comedy in the movie comes from Barbara Streisand; Rogen was just okay. There is a pretty entertaining scene at a steakhouse set in Lubbock, TX. Having lived there for almost 10 years, I can tell you there is no steakhouse like that in Lubbock; nor are there trees or hills.

The Rest:

Hitchcock (2012)- 5/10- I am a fan of Hitchcock's work, but this biopic starting Anthony Hopkins was pretty bland. 

The Roommate (2011)- 4/10- Looks can be deceiving, as Leighton Meester was one crazy lady. It was clear where this movie was going from the beginning.

Mobies watched this week: 3
Movies watched in 2013: 81

Source: IMDB

Top 10 Summer Themed Movies

With summer now upon us, I give you my 10 favorite summer themed movies.

10. American Pie 2 (2001)- 7/10

After their first year of college the boys decide to spend the summer at a rented beach house; more drinking, sex and stupid behavior. Although many of the jokes were recycled from the first American Pie, it is still an enjoyable sequel.

9. Summer Rental (1985)- 7/10

Jack (John Candy) decides to take his family on a summer vacation to the beach, but the vacation is not as relaxing as he imagined. Numerous things go wrong and he has a run-in with a local rich man and sailing champion. Along with all the funny moments, it ends in a pretty exciting boat race. I miss John Candy. 

8. Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (1991)- 7/10

Five siblings are left home with an elderly babysitter as their mother goes to Australia for two months over the summer. When the baby sitter dies, the oldest daughter (Christina Applegate) assumes the role as the head of the household. Five 'kids' left unattended for two months- imagine the possibilities.

7. Wet Hot American Summer (2001)- 8/10

The last days of summer camp at Camp Firewood that culminates with a talent show. There were some out-of-this world things going on the last days of summer camp- literally. The entire cast is quite funny- including Paul Rudd, Molly Shannon and Amy Poehler.

6. What About Bob? (1991)- 8/10

Bob (Bill Murray), a man with multiple phobias, follows his Doctor on vacation to seek help.  One of Bill Murray's best roles as he brilliantly plays the obsessive compulsive patient. Richard Dreyfuss is quite good as the doctor who Bob drives to insanity.

5. Adventureland (2009)- 8/10

A college grad (Jesse Eisenberg) takes a summer job at an amusement park to pay for a trip to Europe his parents can no longer help him with. All is not lost as he meets Em (Kristen Stewart). A great 'coming-of-age' story, with a lot of comedy mixed in.

4. Weekend at Bernie's (1989)- 8/10

Larry (Andrew McCarthy) and Richard (Jonathan Silverman) are invited to spend the weekend at their boss's beach house; only to find he is dead upon their arrival. Not knowing how to handle the situation, they simply pretend and convince everyone that he is alive. Why let your boss's death ruin a weekend at the beach?

3. Dazed and Confused (1993)- 8/10

High school and incoming high school students celebrate the last day of school in 1976. Another coming-of-age comedy that features, among others, a young Ben Affleck, Matthew McConaughey and Milla Jovovich.

2. The Sandlot (1993)- 9/10

A group of young baseball players get themselves into quite a 'pickle' in the summer of 1962. I can remember going to the park on a daily basis during the summer for pickup baseball games. Our games, however, never ended in one of us being chased by a giant dog.

1. Jaws (1975)- 9/10

A man-eating great white shark attacks beach goers at a summer resort town. The movie that made everyone a little hesitant to end the water again. One of the greatest movie villains of all time, and he doesn't even have a line.

Source: IMDB

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Branch Out: Hamlet 2 (2008)

A movie you may have missed- less than 25,000 reviews on IMDB.

A high school drama teacher (Steve Coogan) writes and puts on a musical sequel to Hamlet. Rock me, rock me, rock me sexy Jesus!

My Rating: 8/10

IMDB Ratings: 12,849

Monday, May 20, 2013

Weekly Recap: May 12- May 18, 2013

A recap of the movies I watched for the first time this past week.


Bachelorette (2012)- 7/10

The night before the wedding, three bridesmaids do their best to save the wedding dress they destroyed. Although not as popular as Bridesmaids, this one is on the same level comedy wise. Kirsten Dunst was fantastic as the 'bitchy' bridesmaid, and Isla Fisher was quite funny.The rest of the cast was great as well, with James Marsden, Adam Scott and Lizzy Caplan.

The Rest: 

Fast Five (2011)- 6/10- I have never been a huge fan of the series, but this is one of the better 'Fast' movies.

Kill List (2011)- 6/10- Moves at a slow pace, but the ending will catch you by surprise...and leave you asking "What just happened?"

Scooby-Doo! Abacadabra-Doo (2010)- 5/10- Another Scooby-Doo and gang adventure; this time with a Griffin.

Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)- 4/10- Not Disney's finest moment. The animation is good but the movie never really connects.

Movies watched this week: 5
Movies watched in 2013: 78

Source: IMDB

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Branch Out: 61* (2001)

A movie you may have missed- less than 25,000 reviews on IMDB.

In 1961 Yankee teammates, Mickey Mantle (Thomas Jane) and Roger Maris (Barry Pepper) chase the single season home run record set by Babe Ruth.

My Rating: 9/10

IMDB Ratings: 9,558

Friday, May 17, 2013

Movie News: Hot Tub Time Machine 2

I have mentioned before on this blog that I am a huge fan of Hot Tub Time Machine. It was one of the best comedies I have seen in recent years; I had a blast with it. So I was pretty excited to here that there would be at least be one more installment (no surprise- every movie is getting the sequel treatment these days).

Then the news came out the John Cusack may not return and would be replaced by Adam Scott. The rest of the gang is set to return at least. Adam Scott is a nice edition, but it is a bummer Cusack will not be back. How can you continue the story without the whole gang? We may have our answer as yesterday Rob Corrdry gave us a brief plot synopsis on their next adventure. They will be traveling to the future to see Adam Scott, who is Cusack's son.

I'm still excited about the movie, but I wish they were going back in time again. One of the big appeals of the first installment was that they went back to the '80's (an underrated decade). Regardless there should be plenty of comedy flying around. I'm sure Chevy Chase will make another appearance.

Source: JoBlo

Monday, May 13, 2013

Weekly Recap: May 5- May 11, 2013

A recap of the movies I watched for the first time this past week.


Iron Man 3 (2013)- 8/10

It has quite a different feel than the first two Iron Man movies, but is still a pretty awesome time. There are a few references to The Avengers, but this is no doubt a stand-only Iron Man movie.  I especially enjoyed the way the Mandarin was handled; Ben Kingsley was great. There will be those who wish it didn't go in the direction it did, but I liked it. No surprise, Robert Downey, Jr. was great again as Tony Stark- this time a little more vulnerable after the events of New York.

The Rest:

Silver Linings Playbook (2012)- 7/10- A movie full of people with problems. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence were great together.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)- 7/10- It's time for Bilbo's story. Not quite as good as The Lord of the Rings trilogy, but a worthy edition.

John Dies at the End (2012)- 6/10- Much like Bubba Ho-Tep, Don Coscarelli delivers a fun little horror-comedy involving a drug called Soy Sauce and multiple dimensions.

You Again (2010)- 4/10- Another female rivalry story- nothing we haven't seen before. There are a few funny moments.

Age of the Dragons (2011)- 3/10- Has to be Danny Glover's worst acting performance as he plays Ahab in a retelling of Moby Dick...with dragons. 

Movies watched this week: 6
Movies watched in 2013:  73

Source: IMDB

Friday, May 10, 2013

Branch Out: Rocket Science (2007)

A movie you may have missed- less than 25,000 reviews on IMDB.

Hal Hefner (Reece Thompson), a boy with a stutter problem, is asked to join the high school debate team; also staring Anna Kendrick. 

My Rating: 8/10

IMDB Ratings: 9,379

Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekly Recap: April 28- May 4, 2013

A recap of the movies I watched for the first time this past week.


Trouble with the Curve (2012)- 5/10

An aging scout (Clint Eastwood) is joined by his estranged daughter (Amy Adams) on one last scouting trip. I am a huge baseball fan and really wanted to like this movie, but it never connected. For one thing, the so-called 5 tool athlete he was sent to scout did not look like the next big stud. He looked more like the next offensive lineman for the Cowboys.

The Rest:   

Licence to Kill (1989)- 6/10- Timothy Dalton's second and last go as James Bond is one of the weaker Bond movies, but still a good time.

The Shrine (2010)- 5/10- There was a point that I thought this was just another stupid horror flick, but the ending is quite good.

Scooby-Doo and the Monster of Mexico (2003)- 5/10- Another decent installment in the Scooby-Doo series- this time they are after the Chupacabra. 

Georgia Rule (2007)- 3/10- Lohan's character was just plain dull. This was just a bad and pointless movie.

Movies watched this week: 5
Movies watched in 2013: 67

Source: IMDB

Friday, May 3, 2013

Top 10 Anticipated Summer Movies 2013

With the release of Iron man 3, today official starts the summer movie season (although it is not quite summer yet). As is usually the case, we have a number of 'big' movies on tap- especially in the sequel category. I give you the 10 I am most looking forward to.

 10. The Internship (June 7)

Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson were great together in Wedding Crashers, so I am excited to seem them together again playing interns amongst the young up-and-comers at Google. 

 9. The World's End (August 23)

The combination of Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost has been comedy gold over the years with Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and the TV series Spaced. I'm interested to see where they take the end of the world scenario.

8. The Great Gatsby (May 10)

I was supposed to read the book in high school, but didn't accomplish that feat; so I'm not real familiar with the story. But the cast is superb- with Leo DiCaprio, Toby MacGuire and Carey Mulligan- and the trailers have drawn me in.

7. Pacific Rim (July 12)

Giant robots versus giant alien monsters from beneath the sea....what's not to like? I do have my doubts about this one, but Guillermo del Toro knows his monsters, so I'm sure it will be a fun time. Plus Charlie Day makes an appearance.

6. The Way, Way Back (July 5)

This one looks like it could be along the same lines as Adventureland, which was great. It is from the creators of Little Miss Sunshine, so that is a plus as well. Sam Rockwell is awesome, and it will be cool to see Steve Carrell as the 'bad guy.'

5. Man of Steel (June 14)

I'm really interested to see what Zack Snyder does with the Superman story. Watchmen and 300 were pretty great comic book adaptations, so I'm expecting big things here too. From all I have heard so far, this movie is going to rock.

4. The Hangover III (May 24)

The wolf pack is back for another round. I really hope this one lives up to the first one; judging by the trailer, it has potential too. I think most agree that Part II just wasn't very good. It will be nice to see the guys return to Vegas. 

3. Monsters University (June 21)

I loved Monsters, Inc. and now we get to see how Sulley and Mike met- at college. I'm really excited Pixar is adding to the Monsters, Inc. story. They are as close as a sure-hit as there is in the movie biz.

2. Iron Man 3 (May 3)

Early buzz is that this is the best Iron Man movie in the series. I'm a huge fan of the first, and the I thought the second was better than most people seem to have. Robert Downey, Jr. is perfect for this role. We have officially kicked off Marvel's Phase Two. 

1. Star Trek Into Darkness (May 17)

I was always more of a Star Wars guy, but J.J. Abram's Star Trek blew me away. The one thing that movie lacked was a strong villain, but it looks like we are going to get one with Benedict Cumberbatch. Should be an awesome trip back to space.

Other notable release:  This is the End (June 14), The Conjuring (July 19), The Wolverine (July 26), 300: Rise of an Empire (August 2), Elysium (August 9), Kick-Ass 2 (August 16).

Source: FilmAffinity