Welcome to The Movie Tree

Hello and welcome to The Movie Tree. Like most people, I am a big fan of movies. I, however, take movie watching to the extreme. In 2012 I watched 242 'new' movies (Yes, I track how many I watch). When I say new movies, I mean new to me. This number does not include the movies I watched for a second, or however many, time. You might be wondering how I was able to watch 242 'new' movies in 365 days. Well, I tend to watch movies in segments. I'll watch a little during lunch, a little more while working out, then finish it up during my early morning shift of feeding our baby boy. It's probably not the way the director intended me to watch it, but it allows me to watch more movies! I also have a wife that enjoys watching movies as well.

I am also big on rating movies. Usually I rate movies on sites such as IMBD and Film Affinity, but I will share those here as well. I rate movies based on a 1-10 scale ( you can see my translation of the scale on the Rating Tree). I'm not big on writing lengthy reviews, but I will from time to time. You will also see Top 10 lists, weekly recaps of the movies I watched, and my reactions to upcoming films and movie news. Feel free to agree or disagree with any post- I welcome the discussion. Enjoy!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Movie Discovered!

I always enjoy it when I uncover a movie that I have seen, but not rated. I've been rating movies for almost 8 years now, so I pretty much covered all of them. In fact, it has been a few years since I have found a missed rating, so I thought I had found them all. But the other night I caught the movie North on TV (Elijah Wood and Bruce Willis). Now I have already rated this movie, but I was reminded of a movie I watched numerous times when I was younger. I couldn't remember the entire plot, but I could remember it was about two young boys that ran away from their parents; the older brother had the younger brother convinced he was super human, or something to that effect; towards the end the younger brother spends an awful long time in the tanning bed trying to cure himself; and on the flight home, the younger brother bites down on foil and it hurts his teeth- he thinks this is because of his condition, but the stewardess lets him know it is because of his fillings.

It didn't take but a few internet searches to find the movie- Josh and S.A.M (1993). Much to my surprise, I had not rated this movie. Score! I read the detailed plot summary and it all came back to me. Josh and S.A.M is now rated, so maybe now I have found all the movies I have seen. But it is possible there are a few from my past hiding out there.

Source: FilmAffinity

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