Welcome to The Movie Tree

Hello and welcome to The Movie Tree. Like most people, I am a big fan of movies. I, however, take movie watching to the extreme. In 2012 I watched 242 'new' movies (Yes, I track how many I watch). When I say new movies, I mean new to me. This number does not include the movies I watched for a second, or however many, time. You might be wondering how I was able to watch 242 'new' movies in 365 days. Well, I tend to watch movies in segments. I'll watch a little during lunch, a little more while working out, then finish it up during my early morning shift of feeding our baby boy. It's probably not the way the director intended me to watch it, but it allows me to watch more movies! I also have a wife that enjoys watching movies as well.

I am also big on rating movies. Usually I rate movies on sites such as IMBD and Film Affinity, but I will share those here as well. I rate movies based on a 1-10 scale ( you can see my translation of the scale on the Rating Tree). I'm not big on writing lengthy reviews, but I will from time to time. You will also see Top 10 lists, weekly recaps of the movies I watched, and my reactions to upcoming films and movie news. Feel free to agree or disagree with any post- I welcome the discussion. Enjoy!

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Terminator!

The other night I caught T3: Rise of the Machines on TV.  I must say I was not a big fan of the third installment at first, but after watching it again, it is actually a pretty good movie. It works as a nice little bridge between Terminator 2: Judgement Day and the newest to the franchise, Terminator Salvation. I think now that I have seen Salvation, and we get a glimpse of the world after Judgement Day, I can fully appreciate what T3 offered.

I am a fan of the whole Terminator franchise, but I would not consider myself to be a huge fan. The Terminator was a solid flick, and I loved T2, but there was always something lacking with Rise of the Machines to me. After watching it again, I'm not real sure what my problem was with it. Nick Stahl is actually pretty solid as John Connor (now 10 years older than in T2). Claire Danes isn't great as the future Mrs. Connor, but she isn't bad; and Kristina Loken looked pretty good as the T-X- although really just a female version of Robert Patrick's liquid metal Terminator in T2. Like the first two films, it is the machines sending one of their own back in time to knock off key members of the resistance, including Mr. and Mrs. Connor, before they are actually even a part of it.

The movie has its flaws, but all of them do really. Heck, the entire plot of the first movie still baffles me. Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) is sent back in time by John Connor to protect his mother, Sarah (Linda Hamilton), from being killed by a Terminator that was send back in time to kill her and prevent John from being born. Kyle sleeps with Sarah and then John is created. It's kind of like the chicken or the egg scenario- which came first? To quote Craig Robinson in Hot Tub Time Machine- "Like The Terminator; its cyclical. Right? The machines send Schwarzenegger back to kill Sarah Connor so that John Connor can never be born. But if John Connor don't send Michael Biehn back to protect her, and they never f***, then John Connor ain't born in the first place." I love that movie.

I guess my point is that I'm glad I gave T3 another shot. It is a nice lead in to Terminator Salvation, which I think I enjoyed more than most. It was nice to see the battle between the resistance and the machines finally play out. Arnold does make a cameo, but we need more of him in the next one- which is already confirmed. So he officially will be back! 

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