Welcome to The Movie Tree

Hello and welcome to The Movie Tree. Like most people, I am a big fan of movies. I, however, take movie watching to the extreme. In 2012 I watched 242 'new' movies (Yes, I track how many I watch). When I say new movies, I mean new to me. This number does not include the movies I watched for a second, or however many, time. You might be wondering how I was able to watch 242 'new' movies in 365 days. Well, I tend to watch movies in segments. I'll watch a little during lunch, a little more while working out, then finish it up during my early morning shift of feeding our baby boy. It's probably not the way the director intended me to watch it, but it allows me to watch more movies! I also have a wife that enjoys watching movies as well.

I am also big on rating movies. Usually I rate movies on sites such as IMBD and Film Affinity, but I will share those here as well. I rate movies based on a 1-10 scale ( you can see my translation of the scale on the Rating Tree). I'm not big on writing lengthy reviews, but I will from time to time. You will also see Top 10 lists, weekly recaps of the movies I watched, and my reactions to upcoming films and movie news. Feel free to agree or disagree with any post- I welcome the discussion. Enjoy!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Oscars Recap

Congratulations to all the winners at the 85th Academy Awards- especially Argo for taking home Best Picture. I did not watch much of the Oscars this year. Because we have not been to the movies since our son was born, I have not seen any of the movies nominated for Best Picture; but I did keep up with the winners. It was a big night for Life of Pi, leading the way with 4 Academy Awards, including Best Director. I was excited to see Django Unchained take home a couple of little men as well- Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor (Christoph Waltz). Again, I haven't seen it, but I've read reviews from multiple people saying it is better than Inglorious Basterds. If that is the case, it has to be an awesome film.

As far as my Oscar predictions, I didn't do too bad. I correctly guessed 13 of the 24 categories; I was 6 for 7 in what I consider the 'big' categories (Picture, Direct, Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress and Foreign), missing only Best Director. Not bad for not having seen any of them. Now I just need to start watching all these movies. Hopefully by the time the 86th Academy Awards rolls around I will have done so.

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